Tinct provides RISC OS applications with support for high speed rendering of opaque and alpha-blended sprites with optional image enhancement.
To use Tinct, RISC OS 3.5 or greater is recomended. Usage on earlier versions may work, but is untested.
- Tinct 0.14 (25th April 2009)
This is the recommended version of the module.
The provided !System directory contains Tinct. It can be installed by double-clicking on !SysMerge. If these files are in a Spark archive (Zip file) then you may need to copy them to another directory first.
Change log
The major changes for recent versions of Tinct are shown below.
Version 0.14 (25th April 2009)
- Added support 16bpp screen modes in R5G6B5 format
- Fixed bug that caused scaling artifacts for opaque images in 8bpp
- General speed improvements and optimisations
Version 0.13 (6th July 2005)
- Fixed bug in image decompression that could occur when using opaque image optimisations
Version 0.12 (23rd June 2005)
- Fixed bug in image decompression that could occur when using opaque image optimisations
Version 0.11 (19th May 2005)
- Fast sprite compression and decompression facilities
- Vast speed improvements for 32bpp opaque, unscaled plotting on Iyonix hardware
- Speed improvements of 7-15% for all 8bpp error diffused plotting
Version 0.10 (25th January 2005)
- Sprite addresses in zero-page are now instantly rejected
- Fixed bug that stopped Tinct_AvailableFeatures being recognised
Version 0.09 (2nd November 2004)
- Initial implementation of bi-linear filtering for specific scale factors
- Fixed bug regarding Tinct_Plot[Alpha] not correctly scaling to the current EigFactors
- Fixed bug regarding colour table calculations not initially recognised as being needed
Version 0.08 (28th October 2004)
- Optimised plotting for Iyonix hardware
- Support for error diffusion in 8bpp screen modes
- Optimised OS_SpriteOp rendering for opaque images
Version 0.07 (15th August 2004)
- Support for OS_SpriteOp rendering to support the RISC OS printer system